Willie takes home the bacon

The 22 gents who competed in Dunaverty Golf Club’s 2023 Christmas competition last Saturday had to battle strong winds.

Conditions were dry but very blowy and the course was in excellent condition for the time of year thanks to the hard work of greenkeepers Jonathan Barbour and Campbell MacBrayne.

Scoring was difficult with trollies blowing over, golf balls moving on the greens and hair blowing everywhere but vice captain Willie Ralston managed a very decent nett 66 to take the meat voucher on offer to the winner.

Steady play and a calm head saw Willie pip the remainder of the field by one shot, ahead of Campbell MacBrayne and Jim Warren who both returned nett 67s, the five ‘no returns’ showing how hard it was to return a decent score.

“Thanks to Moyra Paterson and staff at The Putt Stop for warming everyone up in the clubhouse afterwards and for everything they have done for the club through 2023,” said a club spokesperson.

Result: 1 Willie Ralston 83-17=66, 2 Campbell MacBrayne 78-11=67 (bih), 3 Jim Warren 78-11=67. Lowest gross: Robert Irvine 73.