Season’s greetings from the sporting community – part 1

Lochaber Phoenix Boxing Club

It was a Champion year for Lochaber Phoenix boxers with Golden Gloves, Gold and Silver medals but tempered with one cancelled Home Show.

What a year, with more young people than ever joining the Club and attending busy training sessions at their Corpach gym.

Travelling is always an important (and expensive) part of the Club programme, attending several National Championships in the Central Belt as well as bouts across the country from Aberdeen to the Borders.

Every year the Club itself holds two Home Shows in Lochaber, not only showing off the immense talent of local boxers, but also as fund raising to keep the Club going.

One scheduled for April had to be cancelled when many opponents dropped out at the last minute, but the November Show went ahead in the Nevis Centre before a packed audience.

All ages from nine years old, male and female are welcome and represented, all working hard not only to stay physically and mentally fit, but in the majority of cases to participate in the sport often with great success at Club and National levels.

Schoolboy Golden Gloves is recognised as a top award, as are Golden and Silver awards
at the Scottish Championships, which are all held by Lochaber Phoenix Boxers. – no doubt with more to follow in 2024.

Featured image: Festive celebrations with a line up of Lochaber Phoenix boxers and trophies. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, NO_F52_LochabePhoenixBoxingClub_23_ChristmasMessages

Lochaber Yacht Club

Karen Dean presented the Soling racing trophy to Hamish Loudon, Victoria Kimber and Vince Dean back in November.

Lochaber Yacht Club had an amazing year from start to finish.

It began with a guest speaker from Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust at our first event talking all things wildlife.

A nomination was lodged with the RYA for our long-standing member Ian Dewar, in July it was announced he had received an RYA Lifetime Commitment Award.

We welcomed visitors for many events including the 70th anniversary Osprey Class Scottish and Northern Tour, the annual Sail Caledonia launch and LYC brought home 1st and 2nd place at the Soling Nationals hosted in Lochaber.

Junior courses were well attended, and several new sailors had a great season sailing.

Some juniors improved their skills further by travelling to junior events across Scotland.

We are hoping to encourage more juniors so we can teach our next generation of sailors.

The club hosted community events for local scout groups learning to sail. Plus, the sea cadets sailed with us weekly on club nights.

The committee organised a number of passage races with the Corran Red standing out, as every boat was escorted back by a pod of Dolphins.

Our annual events took place with a social sail to Ardgour for pizza and our sunset Cruise on Elsie.

Next year will be special for LYC as it celebrates its 70th anniversary.

We are hoping to hold a special event mid-year to recognise this special occasion so watch our website ( social media channels for updates.

Or better still get in touch and come down to meet the team and make 2024 your year for learning a new skill and getting out on the water.

Photograph (November 2023): NO_F48_LochaberYachtClub_23_AGM_Prizegiving 01