Call for warm spaces publicity as winter hits

Calls have been made for council chiefs to make information on ‘warm spaces’ more readily available this winter.

But Argyll and Bute’s provost says he has already helped to ensure there is a church open offering warm accommodation every day in Helensburgh and Lomond.

Sarah Davies, of Helensburgh Community Council, used public question time at a recent meeting of local councillors to question how publicity was being co-ordinated.

The meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee took place on Tuesday, December 12.

Ms Davies said: “The weather, as we all know, has deteriorated recently. Maybe we should be thinking about more of this in advance, but how are warm spaces being co-ordinated and advertised?

“An investigation was carried out and an email was sent to the Third Sector Interface about where there is a list of activities?

“It was noticed that there was nowhere open after 6pm at night, so that was a bit of a concern. We dug about and found a bit more.

“Argyll Community Housing Association have produced something about the warm bank, and Live Argyll have put something about us to the library.

“But opening hours are very limited, so we had to look at some other local authorities close to us. West Dunbartonshire has a page with information straight away, the same in Inverclyde and East Dunbartonshire.

“So can Argyll and Bute Council, on its website, have something that can easily be found?”

Committee clerk Stuart McLean said: “There is a huge amount of work going on in the locality and my intention is for the community planning group, in February, to have a short covering paper outlining the information.

“That would be a one-stop shop on the community side of things. The council website is not within my gift to give, but if I speak to my colleagues I think they will be able to advise.”

Lomond North Conservative Councillor Maurice Corry then said: “About nine months ago, a group was opened of all the churches in Helensburgh and Lomond, and we have an up and coming warm spaces group running now.

“There are 15 ordained ministers in the group. I am the only member who is not an ordained minister, but I saw an opportunity for it.

“It is something we are putting through our churches, led by the Rev Dom Ind, because I saw a need for this some time ago.

“We have ensured that there is a church open every day for warm space. We need a bit more co-ordination but it is going now.”

Other councillors made similar points, with Helensburgh and Lomond South SNP Councillor Math Campbell-Sturgess saying: “A lot of people needing warm spaces tend to be from an older demographic, although there are young families too. How can we get to people who are service users?”

Helensburgh Central Liberal Democrat Councillor Graham Hardie added: “I know there are a lot of warm spaces available, but people just need to know about them. I am happy to work to try to get it online.”