Modelling fame for Labrador Feorlinn

A golden Labrador owned by a photographer from Lochgilphead is finding fame modelling in a national advertising campaign.

Eilidh Cameron’s dog Feorlinn has ended up starring in the Baxter’s Scottish Produce Hamper adverts for the festive season.

Photographs of Eilidh with Feorlinn enjoying a delicious picnic, complete with Champagne, on the banks of the Spey have featured in several national newspapers.

Eilidh, 31, grew up in Lochgilphead, where she attended school. She currently lives in Tobermory after becoming a professional photographer during Covid.

Snap-happy Eilidh said: “I went to uni to study photography when I was 19. I lasted three months, then went home. But I always took photographs and it has always been my dream to work as a photographer. I continued to take pictures and ended up getting lots of work, to the point it became a full time job.

“Feorlinn quite often comes with me and she has ended up modelling quite a few times.

“She has modelled for Baxters, for holiday cottage businesses, estates and hotels.

“People ask me to bring my dog. That’s always quite good fun. Sometimes challenging trying to control a dog and take pictures at the same time.”

The Baxters shoot was at Fochabers on Castle Gordon Estate. Feorlinn, Eilidh herself and her partner Simon Waller all ended up in the publicity shots.

But Eilidh quipped: “The dog was the star of the show. She is on the Baxters website and on all of their advertising.”

Eilidh recently returned from an exciting job in Paris at the British Embassy for a St Andrew’s Day event.

She was photographing the event, and she also exhibited some of her shots of the islands there.