Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council

The inaugural Meeting of Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council following the 2023 Election was chaired by Councillor John Grafton, who welcomed the new councillors.

Appointment of Office Bearers:

a) Chairman John Fotheringham, Proposed: Ian Langley Seconded: Ian Matheson
b) Secretary Christine Clephan, Proposed: Alison Munro Seconded: Jenny Hastings
c) Treasurer Alison Munro, Proposed: John Fotheringham Seconded: Christine Clephan
d) Vice chairperson: Ian Langley, Proposed: Ian Matheson Seconded Jenny Hastings

Councillor Grafton then handed the meeting over to the new office bearers, with John Fotheringham in the chair.

Among the issues discussed were:

Bear Scotland/Transport Scotland – It was noted that despite repeated requests there were still three advertisement boards restricting vision for vehicles exiting Station Road in Spean Bridge.

It was agreed that a deputation of John Fotheringham, Ian Langley, Christine Clephan, Ian Matheson and Val Steele would meet with Kate Forbes MSP, representatives of Transport Scotland and Police Scotland to discuss the trunks roads in the SBRBA communities.

Priorities would be the installation of Pedestrian Crossings on the A82 and A86 in Spean Bridge, a reduction in the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the A82 in Spean Bridge and on the A86 in Roy Bridge.

A reduction of the speed limit in Inverroy from 60mph to 50mph would also be sought as well as some indication when the active travel plan would be implemented.

Crossing the Telford Bridge for pedestrians in Spean Bridge remains a contentious issue.

Highland Council – A response from the ABC Community Group SCIO relating to speed limits on the B8005.

Although they could see that a 20mph limit at Clunes might have a safety benefit, it would necessitate additional visually detrimental signage, the worst offenders would ignore it anyway and the policing of it would be non-existent so they would suggest that the Community council doesn’t persevere with the proposal.

It was noted that the 20mph has been implemented in the side streets in Spean Bridge and Roy Bridge.

Still no action to report from the fly tipping on the A86.

Altour Road Playpark – the Community Development Officer explained that he has
passed over all the information required to Highland Council to purchase the new
equipment and awaits their response.

Coire Glas – SSE Renewables responses and answers to questions posed at the Kilfinnan Road Forum chaired by Kate Forbes MSP have been circulated.

It is the Community Council’s opinion that changing the above ground operational hours from 9/5 to 7/7 is a major material planning change but Highland Council Planners believe they have the sole jurisdiction in deciding when the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 1997 Section 42 is appropriate.

The plans for disposal of rock and spoil off site from the tunnelling to Kilfinnan Farm on a temporary basis was also noted.

Network Rail – The correspondence from both the Information Commissioner and the Network Rail Freedom of Information Team was discussed and it was decided that the Community Council could not afford to spend £450 following up this request and that regretfully they should abandon the case.

Glen Gloy Broadband Rollout – it was agreed that Openreach’s role as a Statutory
Undertaker didn’t appear to extend to land outside the curtilage of the road surface so the Community Council will ask the Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade Richard Lochhead for an explanation of why they didn’t inform the owner of the Glen Gloy Estate prior to digging a trench for three miles on her property.

Any Other Business – It was agreed to contribute £100 to the UHI Explore Sustainable Tourism Project.

The next Community Council Meeting will be on Tuesday January 9.