Heavy rain and high tides cause flooding chaos in Tarbert

By Rita Campbell 

Heavy rain, a high tide and blocked drains came together in a perfect storm to bring extreme flooding to Tarbert.

Tarbert Co-op and the village’s Islay Frigate Hotel were forced to close on Wednesday as fast-flowing water streamed into buildings.

It was all hands on deck as members of staff and helpful locals mucked in to bail out water and begin the clean up operation.

Police were directing traffic as torrents of water poured down Campbeltown Road and into the harbour.

The fire service attended the Co-op and helped to pump water from the building, while Argyll and Bute Council workers brought sandbags to protect properties from further damage.

However, both the Frigate and the Co-op were able to reopen on Thursday.

Murray MacLennan, barman at the Frigate, said: “We didn’t realise how bad it was until about 8am. All the water came down the hill from the back.

“The drains were blocked up at the high school. Water flushed through the back door, through the kitchen, into the bar, the Perch Lounge and the front entrance.

“That must have happened between 7-8am. By the time everyone got in it was 1pm. Local men Donnie MacKinnon and Neil Jackson came to help. We had to bail the water out then clean and mop everywhere.

“Thankfully, Alex Miller from the council roads department dropped sandbags off, which helped to keep more water from coming in.
“The corner at the Co-op was really bad. Everybody was all hands on deck bailing out. The water congregated there and it was flowing so fast you couldn’t walk on the road. Police were directing traffic which was moving slowly through.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Fire Service said: “We were alerted 1.59pm on Wednesday December 27 to reports of flooding within a shop at Barmore Road, Tarbert.

“Operations Control mobilised one appliance where the crew helped to alleviate flooding within the shop. Firefighters left after ensuring the area was made safe.”