Community rallies in wake of Storm Gerrit

Operators of a Fort William nursery have commended the community for its support after its Inverlochy-based campus was badly damaged by Storm Gerrit.

The damage at Stramash Outdoor Nursery. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Stramash Outdoor Nursery was one of many casualties of the storm which saw the town at a standstill on Wednesday December 27.

However, as news of the damage spread families of the nursery children sprung to action and a gofundme campaign smashed its £2,500 target 24 hours after being set up.

While operators Stramash Social Enterprise are insured for the damage, it has assured everyone who donated that the funds will be used by the nursery.

“We cannot thank you enough for your support and kindness,” said a Stramash management spokesperson. “Understandably, the team was shocked by what has happened. We are pleased to advise that the site is already being made safe and we are currently assessing the damage and costs associated with it.

“The Stramash management team is closely supporting our colleagues in Fort William and will continue to do so.”

Members of the community and local businesses turned out to help on Saturday.

In addition to the funding, a working party was rallied for Saturday January 6 and the appeal for “any spare pairs of hands” to go along and help was answered with families and friends of the nursery turning out in force to help with the clear-up.

An incredible turnout of more than 100 people from the community. They included families, local businesses, the scouts, staff from Highland Soap Factory, Nevis Range, staff from UHI, several tree surgeons who processed the woodland and many more.

Children will return to a safe space this month.

“We are so grateful for all the support we’ve received. The nursery will be up and running and better than ever ready for the new term,” said the Stramash spokesperson.

“We will be making sure alternative warm and cosy spaces are in place for children due to start back with us.

“Whilst this was a shocking and upsetting event, as we say at Stramash ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather!’

It was all hands on deck on Saturday as the community rallied around Stramash.

“We have a plan. We will rebuild stronger and the children will be back and playing at the foot of Ben Nevis in no time.

“We are constantly evolving our infrastructure and sometimes Mother Nature pushes us along our timeline a little sooner than we had planned for. We lost our big tree, but gained a year’s supply of firewood.

“The main thing is everyone is safe and there is a plan in place to ensure the nursery continues to be a safe and nurturing space for Fort William children.”


The nursery lost its big tree but gained a years supply of firewood.