Many happy returns

Ailsa Stewart, who last week celebrated her 109th birthday, is an inspiration to us all, not just for her longevity but for her indomitable spirit throughout her life.

Born in 1914, Mrs Stewart not only lived through two world wars, but she served during World War Two as a torpedo assessment specialist.

This work took her to Campbeltown where she married, settled and took on an active role in the community.

She has also survived several major pandemics and epidemics, including the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918, and, of course, the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are not sure what her secret is but, as Argyll and Bute’s Lord-Lieutenant Jane MacLeod said, we hope to join Mrs Stewart for her birthday celebrations again next year.

New year wishes

As we prepare to enter a new year, many of us reflect on the year which is coming to a close.

While there will be many highlights, 2023 has undoubtedly been tough for everyone, with global wars fuelling a cost of living crisis, while some have suffered their own personal tragedies.

We hope 2024 brings all our readers and advertisers happiness, health and wealth. Thank you, as always, for your continued support for your local newspaper.