Letters, December 29 2023

WithYou to help ease festive pressure

Many people put themselves under too much pressure at this time of year – and it can be dangerous.

Whether it’s worrying about money, being tempted to use substances at a party or turning to alcohol to cope with everything that is going on, we know many people can find themselves in harmful situations over the festive season.

The pressure to join in and have ‘the perfect Christmas’ can create new challenges or exacerbate existing challenges around drugs, alcohol and mental health.

As well as supporting people through local services across Scotland, WithYou runs a webchat service which offers free, confidential advice on issues relating to drugs, alcohol and mental health.

The WithYou webchat is staffed by a specialised team of 36 advisors, staff from across the charity who are trained to offer brief interventions, advice, signposting and emotional support.

The team can also help individuals to develop specific plans for how they will cope at parties and other social events, where temptation might be an issue.

If you need someone to speak to, please get in touch through our free webchat service.

The webchat, which is funded by the Scottish Government, is available 364 days a year, closing only on Christmas Day. It is open on weekends and until 9pm during the week – meaning it can be accessed when many other support services are closed.

Visit wearewithyou.org.uk to access the webchat or find out more about the support offered by WithYou in Argyll and Bute.

Support is also available over Christmas from a free helpline, 0800 587 5879.

Yvonne McLeod, service manager in Argyll and Bute, WithYou.

Start 2024 in the best way with Dry January

The festive season brings excitement for many, but it can also be a time of indulgence and perhaps drinking more alcohol than we would like.

As we head into a new year, many people will be wanting to feel a little fitter and healthier.

Dry January is the perfect place to start. It shows us we don’t need alcohol to have fun, relax, celebrate, unwind or anything else.

What’s more, so many people tell us they have an even better time when not drinking alcohol, as they feel more present, can remember the evening more and enjoy waking up hangover-free, feeling fresh and energetic.

We know that taking that first step to change habits can be hard, but research shows those who take part in Alcohol Change UK’s Dry January double their chances of success, through access to our free Try Dry app, daily emails and a supportive online community.

A month off alcohol won’t just mean short-term boosts to your wellbeing, but has been proven to lead to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes risk, as well as lower cancer-related proteins in the blood.

So if you’re looking to make long-term changes for the better, take a look at dryjanuary.org.uk for more.

Dr Richard Piper, chief executive officer of Alcohol Change UK, the charity behind Dry January.