New year, old delays

The news that there are to be further delays to the two new Arran ferries is a disappointing way to start the new year.

The concern must now be will we see the MV Glen Sannox in service in 2024?

Certainly, hope she might be in service for part of the summer season is gone but there must be a question as to whether she will be ready for service with CalMac in time for the 2024 winter timetable.

It beggars belief that the Ferguson syhipyard should cite “supplier issues” around the commissioning of the LNG systems as the cause of the latest delay. Given the ferries are six years late, could this not have been forseen months, if not years ago, and a resolution found?

There was much made of the dual fuel – LNG and marine deisel – capacity of the two ships when they were first announced. If this remains a problem, why could the ships not have been built without LNG, which it has been suggested will seldom be used.

But that is not the only delay the MV Glen Sannox has as she has missed her slot for going into dry dock this month. This will not now happen until April, with a new date for when she will now be handed over to CalMac not expected until later this month.

Let’s hope that brings some good news for 2024.