Oban Celtic’s Boxing Day shinty and awards night

Oban Celtic rounded off the shinty season with their popular Boxing Day shinty action at Mossfield, followed by its annual awards night.

The usual match between the “Old Crocks” and the “Young Guns” was replaced with a sixes tournament and such was the popularity of the event that the number of participating teams was increased from eight to ten. The sides were split into two leagues with the winners and runner-up from each division qualifying for the semi-finals.

The Green 1 and Black 1 teams both won their semi-final ties and a close final was assured as the sides drew their league section match.

Despite the attention of Carrie MacKay, Arthur Handley gets his shot away. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

In the end, goals from Ruaridh Horne and Kevin Lockhart gave the Greens a 2-0 victory against their younger opponents for whom primary 5 aged player Arthur Handley excelled. Captain Lorne Robertson was presented with the Pearson-Carnie Memorial Trophy by June Pearson and Jay Carnie as representatives of the Pearson and Carnie families.

David Hill tries to shut down Ross MacMillan. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

The winning team Green 1 team from: Iain MacFarlane, Lorne Robertson, Alfie Robertson, Lee Askew, Finlay Cameron, Ruaridh Horne, Kevin Lockhart, Jack Lockhart.

Runners-up Black 1 from: Les Kinvig, Duncan MacEwan, Alexander MacEwan, Joseph MacVicar, Arthur Handley and Pearce McBeth.

Sacha MacCallum and Hannah MacDonald battle for the ball. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Oban Celtic thank Murray Macgregor and Donald MacInnes for officiating on the day and to the volunteers for providing the refreshments.

Following the on-field action, those present retired to the Oban Masonic Lodge for Oban Celtic’s annual prizegiving.

Iain “Shuggie” MacFarlane was the overwhelming winner of first team player of the year and first team players’ player of the year.

Iain MacFarlane, right, won first team Player of the Year and Players’ Player of the Year.

Other winners:

Under-12 Player of the Year – Carrie MacKay

Under-12 Most Improved Player – Billy Russell

Under-14 Player of the Year – Duncan Hunt

Under-14 Most Improved Player – Mark Hewitt

Under-17 Player of the Year – Joseph MacVicar

Second Team Player of the Year – Duncan MacEwan

Second team Players’ Player of the Year – Gabriel Tidser

First Team Player of the Year – Iain MacFarlane

First Team Players’ Player of the Year – Iain MacFarlane

Innes Jackson was the Oban Celtic first team top scorer with Ewen Campbell netting most for the second team.