Sporting review of the year 2023

Part two of a look back at some of the sporting events and achievements between July and December this year.

JULY: Arran Junior Hockey Club said goodbye to coach Lorraine ‘Hurricane’ Hewie who is standing down after 14 years as head coach. No_B26front01_23_hockey_cover_pic

JULY: Champions Southend receive the Arran Dairies League trophy after defeating Lamlash in the final. 01_B29football01_23_soundend_trophy

AUGUST: Trophy winners from the races and heavy events at Brodick Highland Games. 01_B32gamesfront01_23_brodick_highland

AUGUST: Shiskine Ladies open golf prizewinners. No_B32KGolf03_23_Shiskine_ladies

AUGUST: Southend beat Lamlash in the round robin stage of the Copperwheats Knockout Cup. 01_B33FootBall01_23_Southend_Banner

SEPTEMBER: Lamlash players celebrate their first Copperwheats Knockout Cup win since 2015. 01_B35KCfootball06_23_Lamlash_celebrate

SEPTEMBER: Rugby player Ian Murchie of Lamlash finally received his Scotland cap 54 years after he ran out for the national team. 01_B35rugby03_23_ian_murchie

OCTOBER: Super sailors from Arran Junior Sailing Club who achieved their stage three certificates from Eric Borland. NO_B41sail06_junior_certificates

OCTOBER: The victorious Arran Rugby Club squad at the end of a friendly game against Kilmarnock. NO_B40rugby01_23_after_game

NOVEMBER: A composite team of pupils who travelled to compete in the North Ayrshire Sports Hall Athletics Festival in Irvine. No_B46SHA01_23_team_photo

NOVEMBER: Blackwaterfoot Bowling Club prizewinners at their prizegiving dinner. No_B46BWF01_23_bowls_winners

DECEMBER: The S3/4 team of girls who who took part in a football tournament in Kilwinning and who narrowly missed out on a place at the regional finals. NO_B48girls01_23_football_tournament