Thought for the Week, December 29 2023

Too good to be true?

A few years ago, whilst working overseas as a seafarer, I received an email from an unknown sender.

“You’re invited to an all-expenses-paid, three-day visit to the UK, including flights and hotels.”

The message also promised among other things, a private charter flight on a Dakota DC3 and VIP helicopter transfer along the South Coast of England.

The purpose? To tour some of the UK’s largest superyacht-building facilities.

We all know about emails like this; it seemed either too good to be true or not for me at all, so ignoring it, I opened the next message.

A number of days later though, I found myself mulling it over; something about that message had the ring of truth.

I reread it then picked up the phone. As the friendly voice explained the offer, I began not only to believe it was genuine but even more, this invitation really was intended for me, personally.

I signed up. Those three days fulfilled all that was promised and more.

I learnt a lesson; if something sounds too good to be true, it still might be true.

The message of the bible is far more amazing than that email. It’s an invitation to nothing less than eternal joy. It tells us about God entering the world in the person of Jesus. He came on a rescue mission to pay an unpayable debt and to offer “life in all its fullness”. Really?

Does that sound too good to be true? Maybe? But on the other hand, could it be worth another look? Does it have the ring of truth?

Why not read John’s gospel this New Year and ask: could this be for me?

Reverend Mark Jasper, Campbeltown Community Church.