Call to farmers, crofters and land managers to join the 2024 Big Farmland Bird Count

Farmers, crofters, countryside rangers, game keepers and foresters who care about wildlife conservation are encouraged to join the Big Farmland Bird Count which takes place between February 2 and 18, 2024, and is organised across the UK by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT).

As well as providing snapshot of the bird population on farms and crofts across the UK, the annual count aims to raise awareness of the important role that farmers and other land managers play in the conservation of farmland birds.

“Farmland birds have declined by 63 per cent since 1970 and desperately need our help,” explains Dr Louise de Raad, head of Research Scotland, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.

She says: “With 75 per cent of Scotland’s land area used for agriculture, and 72 per cent across the UK as a whole, the key to increasing biodiversity and reversing the decline in wildlife is held by those looking after this land. To do this, it is important to have information from long-term initiatives such as the BFBC.”

Sponsored nationally by the NFU, the BFBC is the first UK-wide citizen science project to involve land managers in monitoring the state of farmland birds. The count aims to raise awareness of the important role those who farm and manage the land play in the conservation of farmland birds, and to measure the impact of the conservation work that many farmers and wildlife managers carry out.

Since 2014, nearly 13,000 counts have been carried out. Next year’s will be the 11th count and GWCT would like it to be the best one yet.

Martin Kennedy, President of NFU Scotland, a partner in the BFBC project, said: “Scotland’s farmers and crofters have a fantastic story to tell on food production, lowering emissions and enhancing habitats and biodiversity. We need facts and figures to show to everyone the journey we are on. Our farms and crofts are alive with nature, and I would encourage as many farmers and crofters as possible to participate in the 2024 count, record how many bird species you spot on farm or croft this coming February and, importantly, submit your results to GWCT.

“This long-running invaluable survey pulls together a vital national snapshot of the state of nation when it comes to our birds. I urge all farmers and crofters to take half-an-hour out of their busy schedules to enjoy and record the birdlife around them.”

Teresa Dent CBE, chief executive of the GWCT said: “You can really make a difference by taking part and helping us to understand how our farmland birds are faring.

“By spending just half an hour in one spot on your shoot or farm, counting the birds you see and submitting your results to the GWCT, the results help us build a national picture of which species are benefiting from conservation efforts, and which are most in need of help.”

Signing up for the GWCT Big Farmland Bird Count is free and no specialist knowledge or equipment are required. In many places, local bird and wildlife groups are working with land managers to help them do the count.

Find out how to get involved in the GWCT Big Farmland Bird Count at where downloadable bird guides are also available.