Have your say before consultation ends

Consultation on the future management of Oban Harbour is coming to a close.

Anyone wanting to take part in the current consultation must make their submission to Transport Scotland by the end of the day on January 10.

There will then be several weeks when Argyll and Bute Council and those who have made submissions have an opportunity to work together towards finding a mutual solution.

Everyone who sends in a submission can expect to hear from the council within 28 days and will then have another opportunity to continue to make their views heard.

Members of the public who attended the recent open meeting co-organised by Oban Community Council and OCHDA (Oban Community Harbour Development Association)  were “surprised to learn about the council’s change of heart over running the harbour from being clear, in 2018, that they did not have the skills and knowledge to run Oban Harbour, then to deciding in 2021 that they should take responsibility for running the harbour in future,” OCHDA says.

The public meeting in December heard no explanation for the “change of heart” has been offered by the council and concerns were expressed that the takeover of the harbour by the council might be driven by the proposed licensing scheme for moorings in the bay which was described as a “cash cow”.

Concerns were also raised that the council’s intention would be to hand over the running of Oban Bay, in effect, to CMAL, passing effective control to the ferry operator.

That meeting was well attended, with more than 90 people present, and everybody was given clear information regarding how to make their submissions.

Details on how to make a submission can also be found at www.ochda.scot and on the council’s Municipal Harbour website.

An OCHDA spokesperson said: “Whatever your interest in the bay and whatever your attitude towards the council’s proposals, you need to make your voice heard. Make sure that Oban Bay is maintained as an attractive, safe facility for all users and other stakeholders, not just for the immediate future but for years to come!”