Passing time with friends over lunch

Members of Kintyre U3A’s social group enjoyed a visit to Pass The Thyme café for their September outing.

The U3A is a national body set up to encourage retired or semi-retired people of any age to join together socially and share knowledge and experience.

The Kintyre group has various interest groups run by members, including art, book-sharing, choir, tai chi and mahjong.

The social group meets for lunch at different venues on the third Wednesday of every month.

“It is a good day for people that do not get to eat out on their own,” said a group member. “All new members are welcome.”

Social members must be part of the main Kintyre U3A group and, although the members are predominantly women at the moment, everybody is welcome to join.

Anyone who is interested in finding out more information is welcome to contact Christine Duncan by calling 01586 552555.