Women’s area representative shinty games return after three years

Sunday October 1 saw the return of shinty’s women’s area representative games, sponsored by the Macaulay Association.

After a three-year break as a result of Covid, the Women’s Camanachd Association (WCA) was delighted to return to Oban to host its Macaulay area representative games, a fixture that showcases the finest of play throughout the game, giving players from all teams the chance to play at the highest level.

This year the WCA switched from its traditional North v South format and chose an East v West option. Players from across the country were invited to open trials where volunteer coaches held a rigorous session and selected 16 players for their squad.

The first game palyed was an under 16s challenge match. The East side was coached by Paige Macdonald and Iona McCulloch and the West by Andrew Mackenzie and Alaina MacLennan.

Referee Lachie Wood got the game under way. It started at a fast pace, with West’s substitute Lexie Cameron, Glengarry, coming on and scoring from her first touch of the ball. But the East upped the tempo and equalised through Isla Strachan, Strathglass.

Play was flowing from end-to-end, however, it was the East that went into half time with a 2-1 lead after Badenoch’s Lexi Farquhar hit the back of the net.

The second half saw the wind pick up in favour of the East and they scored an avalanche of goals through Isla Strachan, Strathglass, 2; Kamryn Hughes, Inverness, 3; and Isla MacNeil, Inverness, 4, taking the East to an 11- 1 win.

Captain Rowan Cooper, Aberdour, was presented with the shield by Davie Hamilton of the Macaulay Association. Player of the match was awarded to East player Isla Strachan.

As the sun continued to shine on Mossfield, the senior squads were up next, with the East coached by James Gallacher, Laura Soffe and Cammie MacMillan and the West by Laura Mackay and Sarah Yoxen.

Referee Les Kinvig got the game under way. The West took the lead quickly through Lorna MacRae of Kinlochshiel. Play was fast and furious with everyone giving 100 per cent, but Lorna MacRae was proving too quick for the East’s defence and she scored again twice to take her team into the break 3-0 ahead.

The second half saw the East pressing forward to no avail, however, Lorna MacRae’s bagged two more goals to give the West a 5-0 victory.

West captain Caitlin MacLean, Skye, was presented the cup by Davie Hamilton.
East player Alision MacVicar, Uddingston, was named player of the match and was presented with her trophy.

The WCA thank The Macaulay Association for sponsoring the event. Its support is appreciated by everyone involved as this event is a highlight of WCA fixtures.
Thanks were also extended to the groundsmen who, despite wet weather prior to the event, had the pitch in perfect condition.

Special thanks go to Davie Hamilton who worked so hard with everything before, during and after the event, ensuring the squads were well fed before their journey home.

The support of the coaches, players, referees and goal judges is also much appreciated.

West senior team captain Caitlen MacLean, Skye, celebrates her team’s success with the winners’ trophy. Photograph: Stephen Lawson.

Senior East squad

Ishbel Barr, Glenurquhart; Hope Borthwick, Badenoch; Sarah Caird, Badenoch; Kirsty Grant, Badenoch; Ruby Fraser, Lovat; Hazel Hunter, Glenurquhart; Caroline MacLean, Lovat; Jeanette MacGregor, Badenoch; Rhona MacIntyre, Badenoch; Alison MacVicar, Uddingston; Megan Ralph, Badenoch; Zoe Reid, Badenoch, captain; Eilidh Ross, Badenoch; Zoe Smith, Glenurquhart; Mairi Stewart, Badenoch; Iona McCulloch, Tayforth.

West senior squad

Missy Cameron, Lochaber; Amy Disher, Lochaber; Christy Doherty, Glasgow Mid Argyll; Mairi Duncan, Lochaber; Sarah Jayne Ferguson, Skye; Rhianna Kirk, Skye; Kira MacDonald, Lochaber; Natalie MacDonald, Lochaber; Ellie MacInnes, Oban; Maree MacKenzie, Kinlochshiel; Caitlin MacLean, Skye, captain; Lorna MacRae, Kinlochshiel; Laura MacCafferty, Glasgow; Rachel MacCafferty, Glasgow Mid Argyll; Ilana Paterson, Skye; Sarah Yoxon, Skye.

West under 16 squad
Rowan Cooper, Aberdour, captain; Chloe Baikie, Badenoch; Alice Lavin, Badenoch; Millie Lavin, Badenoch; Eleanor Anderson, Badenoch; Lexi Farquhar, Badenoch; Sophie Power, Glenurquhart; Kamryn Hughes, Inverness; Isla MacNeil, Inverness, vice captain; Madison MacKay, Inverness; Naomi MacRae, Inverness; Katie Simpson, Inverness; Orlagh Morgan, Inverness; Rowan Brockie, Lovat; Isla Strachan, Strathglass; Rosie Trussell, Strathspey.

West under 16 squad
Anna Nicolson, Dunadd, captain; Abbey Anderson, Dunadd; Ruby Robson, Glengarry; Lexie Cameron, Glengarry; Yasmin MacCallum, Glengarry; Erin MacLean, Glengarry;
Eilmear McCarthy, Glasgow Mid Argyll; Lexie MacKenzie, Kinlochshiel; Tegan Bruce, Kinlochshiel; Poppy Glasgow, Kinlochshiel; Niamh Morrison, Kinlochshiel; Abigail MacRae, Kinlochshiel; Mairi Finlayson, Kinlochshiel; Hannah MacDoanld, Lochaber; Catherine Robertson, Skye; Teri MacLeod, Skye.