Seil newsround

Balvicar residents have met with Scottish Water and more tests on water quality have been carried out in the bay, with results still waited on, the September meeting of Seil and Easdale Community Council heard.

Everyone due to receive a Flu or Covid jag should have been contacted and either have had them or are due to have them in early October. Anyone who qualifies and has not yet been invited to make an appointment, is being urged to contact the doctor’s surgery.

Community councillors continue to push for further repairs on the island’s roads and have reported the poor state of repair at Cnoc A’ Challtuinn up from the bus
stop. Residents are being encouraged to log repairs needed with Argyll and Bute Council.

“No repairs have been undertaken as yet and the more reports they receive the sooner it will be repaired,” said convenor Zim Knight.

Speed also continues to be an issue on the island, with many complaints. Police will be targeting the area.

Organisers of the World Stone Skimming Championships on Easdale sent a thank you to the entire community for helping a successful contest take place, saying: “We have received incredibly positive feedback from our visitors, expressing how kind and
enthusiastic everyone was and the positive atmosphere generated throughout.

“A huge thank you to the parking team without whom the championship could not have occurred.”

And it continued: “We know there are lessons to learn from this year and we are keen to make the required changes in conjunction with the community council, to make next year even better. Thank you again for your support.”

Bins on Easdale are still a concern and the community council is working
with Argyll and Bute Council to try and improve the bin area for residents.

Seil is also looking into potential training for First Responders on the Island. Anyone interested should let the community council know so that a feasibility study can be carried out.

“If we have enough interest, then we will arrange a meeting to let everyone know how the scheme works and what it entails,” said Mr Knight.

The next community council meeting will be on November 21 at Seil Island Hall in Ellenabeich.