Arran coastal rowers take on Loch Ness challenge

Six members of Arran Coastal Rowing Club took part in Monster the Loch, an endurance race held on the 21-mile long Loch Ness on Saturday September 23.

The team consisted of Catrina Millar, Julia Bovee, Pam Springthorpe, Rory Cowan – head coach and man of patience – Sarah Wilson and Sofia Pantazidou – three of whom, were beginners 18 months ago.

This year more than 100 teams participated in this human-powered boat race, ranging from stand-up paddle boards to a 10-person Dragon boat.

The longest the Arran crew had previously rowed was 14 miles (22.6kms) in 3.5 hours so there was much trepidation as they positioned their boat the day before the race, looking across Loch Ness into the horizon with no end in sight. Many audible gulps could be heard. However, the weather gods were on their side, providing glorious sunshine and no wind in sight.

They need not have worried as they completed the event in a respectable four hours 26 minutes. The hours of training in rain, wind and shine definitely paid off, helped by the support of their aptly named ‘HAGS’ – Husbands and Girlfriend Support – and Arran Coastal Rowing Club’s support.

With the average age of 58 years old, it shows age need not be a barrier and anything is possible.

Julia Bovee.

Seabhag on the shores of Loch Ness.


The Arran coastal rowers who took part in the Loch Ness challenge. No_B39LochNess02_23_Loch_Ness_rowers

Seabhag on the shores of Loch Ness. No_B39LochNess01_23_Seabhag_rowing