Machrihanish Dunes hosts final golf event of 2023

Machrihanish Dunes Golf Club’s final golf event of the year, the Autumn Pairs, took place last Saturday.

“Well done to everyone who competed in the event and especially to those who travelled from afar to get there,” said a club spokesperson.

“There was an unprecedented amount of rainfall in the region over the weekend, with several road closures, so hats off to those who made the journey and we hope you got home safely.

“Unfortunately, a number of teams had to withdraw from the event because of the treacherous driving conditions.

“The course stood up well, however, and it was a great competition, nonetheless.

“Congratulations to the overall winners, Eric Dunlea and Iain MacPherson, with a winning score of 46 points.”

First place in the gents’ division went to Crawford Kilpatrick and Scott Aikman with 45 points, with Lorne Muldoon and Alistair Brown second on 44 points and Gary Curtis and Donald Sloss third on 41 points.

First place in the ladies’ and mixed division went to David and Ailie MacBrayne with 44 points, while Rob and Dorothy Ford were second with 37 points.

There were two nearest the pin competitions with Alistair MacKinnon winning it on the 5th, and Eric Dunlea hitting the closest shot on the 12th.