Kintyre backs the Beatson

It was a full house at Campbeltown Bowling Club last Thursday (October 5) for a prize bingo night in aid of the Beatson Cancer Charity.

Kintyre fundraiser David Armour and his team organised the event to help raise funds and awareness for the charity which supports those receiving cancer treatment at The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre in Glasgow and other west of Scotland hospitals.

Eyes down: Campbeltown Bowling Club was packed for the prize bingo fundraiser.

David said: “I would like to thank all individuals and businesses who supported the bingo night by attending, donating and supplying prizes, helping us raise £1,642.50.

“I’d also like to thank Campbeltown Bowling Club for letting us use their premises and Maisie McCormick, my community manager at the Beatson, for attending the event.”

Bingo caller Angus Brodie in action.

Before the bingo kicked off, cheques were presented to David and Maisie, community fundraising manager at the Beatson Cancer Charity, by two local clubs that have been raising money for the cause.

Kathryn Semple, Jenny Semple and Imogen O’Hanlon from Campbeltown Young Farmers Club handed over the £3,886 they raised through their annual tractor run in July.

Maisie McCormick, left, and David Armour, right, receiving a cheque for £3,886 from Kathryn Semple, Jenny Semple and Imogen O’Hanlon of Campbeltown Young Farmers Club.

A club spokesperson said: “We would like to thank our members for their participation and the public for their generous donations for the very worthy charity.”

And Machrihanish Golf Club captain John Thomson donated the £1,853.75 raised through a raffle, donations and player entry fees at the club’s inaugural Catherine Armour Memorial Texas Scramble Open.

The competition was held in July in memory of David’s late wife who died in November 2022 after receiving treatment at the Beatson hospital during a nine-month cancer battle.

Machrihanish Golf Club captain John Thomson, left, presenting a cheque for £1,853.75 to Maisie McCormick and David Armour.

A Machrihanish Golf Club spokesperson said: “We would like to thank David for organising the event, as were the wishes of his late wife, Catherine, who grew up at Machrihanish and became a very keen golfer at Machrihanish Golf Club.

“We look forward to hosting this event each year moving forward.”

David thanked both Campbeltown Young Farmers and Machrihanish Golf Club for their support.

Maisie added: “We are so grateful for this wonderful support from David, Campbeltown Young Farmers and Machrihanish Golf Club.

“There is a lot of support for our charity from the local community which allows us to work on developing new services to enhance the care and support cancer patients and their families receive during treatment.

“Thank you to everyone in the community who has helped to raise money for our charity.”

The next event in the fundraising calendar is a Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association concert in Campbeltown Parish Church on Saturday October 28.

Proceeds from the event, which is being held to mark the group’s Campbeltown-born conductor Kenneth Thomson BEM’s 40 years at the helm, will go to the Beatson Cancer Charity.