Man stole car and drove carelessly while intoxicated

A man who stole a car and drove carelessly, while intoxicated in Oban town centre has narrowly avoided jail.

Daniel Lynch, 29, of 1 Albert Crescent, Dunoon, appeared for sentencing at Oban Sheriff Court on Wednesday October 4.

He previously pleaded guilty to stealing a car from Soroba Lane on August 28. Lynch also admitted driving carelessly on Lynn Road, William Street and various roads in between, repeatedly veering onto the wrong side of the road, colliding with pavements and street furniture and driving the wrong way down a one-way street.

He further admitted driving without a licence and driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

Sheriff Euan Cameron said this was “appalling, selfish and reckless conduct”.

The sheriff disqualified Lynch from driving for 56 months, ordered him to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and placed him on supervision for two years. A restriction of liberty order that he remain in his home between the hours of 9pm and 7am for eight months was also imposed.

It was only because of a favourable social background report that Lynch avoided jail, Sheriff Cameron said.

Fiscal Rebecca Reid said: “At 2.10am police received a report of road traffic collision at Aldi in Oban. Police reviewed CCTV and viewed the vehicle crossing onto the wrong side of the road. It appeared to strike the pavement and a bollard, before coming to a stop on George Street.

“Police traced the vehicle parked in William Street and the accused was in the driver’s seat. He was conveyed to Oban Police Station where he was cautioned and charged as libelled.

“At 8am the same morning a member of the public attended Oban Police Station to report her vehicle was stolen. This was identified as the vehicle the accused was driving.”

The sheriff said: “That vehicle belonged to an innocent member of the public. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving in such a selfish and reckless fashion. The consequences could have been much worse.

“With considerable reluctance, I have considered the terms of the social work report and I consider there is a direct alternative to custody. I note you express deep regret for your actions.”