Ballots required for Spean Bridge community council election

Postal ballots are to be sent to residents within the Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council (SBRBACC) area in order to decide its next group of community councillors.

The area was one of 10 community councils across the Highlands that received more candidates than available positions for the next community council cycle.

Ten candidates have stood for SBRBACC, but only nine positions are available.

Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye will also require a ballot after receiving nine candidates for its eight positions.

Papers will be sent to residents of all contested election areas on Tuesday October 31. Highland Council had set a deadline of October 10 for any candidates to withdraw.

Voters should return their ballots by noon on Monday November 27, with counts then due to begin at 2pm and be broadcast live.

While 10 Highland areas are to hold contested elections, 30 did not receive a sufficient number of candidates to form.

These included Sunart and Ballachulish in Lochaber; Glendale, Sleat, Waternish, and Portree on Skye; Dornie in Kyle; and the Small Isles.

The next opportunity for nominations to be made to those community councils is January 2024.

116 Community Councils have now formed without requiring a ballot.

Candidates for the contested elections have been invited to submit a statement to support their candidacy, which will be published on the community council elections section of the Highland Council’s website.

The website also includes further information on community councils, including boundaries and all nominated candidates.