Leader hails community spirit across the region

Argyll and Bute Council’s leader has hailed the “beyond compare” community spirit shown in the area during the stormy weather of last weekend.

Kintyre and the Islands Liberal Democrat Councillor Robin Currie said he could not remember weather like the rain which battered much of Scotland on Saturday, October 7.

He paid tribute to the council’s service providers, along with residents and businesses, for their efforts to ensure the area came through the tough time.

Councillor Currie made the speech at the start of a meeting of the council’s policy and resources committee on Thursday October 12.

He said: “I cannot remember any previous time when we have experienced weather and disruption on this scale, with some sources quoting the equivalent of one month’s rainfall in one day.

“The impact of this is well-documented and a few areas of Argyll and Bute have not experienced floods or landslides like this before.

“However, what we have also seen in equal measure is the determination, will and spirit to rise up to these challenges, to respond, resolve and recover.

“Since the rain first hit on Saturday, officers from many different services and council teams have worked around the clock, in partnership with other organisations, including the HSCP, Transport Scotland and BEAR, and many others to take all the actions needed in the circumstances.

“Some are on the front line, quite literally knee deep in mud or water, some are helping partner agencies manage road closures and keep people safe first and foremost, helping to move forward when and where possible.

“Some of them are finding ways to ensure vulnerable people still get the services they need, overcoming considerable obstacles put in their way, often at significant personal cost.

“Some are providing support in the background, sharing information and assisting those on the front line. They are all doing this in a difficult and rapidly changing environment.

“Close on the heels of the weekend’s alert came more rainfall and weather warnings on Tuesday, which added more strain to a desperate situation. But again, all those agencies continued to rise to the challenge, alongside the dedication and commitment of the teams on the ground.”

Councillor Currie added: “There has also been the heart-warming response of our communities to help stranded travellers. They have opened village halls, and even their own homes, and looked out for neighbours in their communities.

“The community spirit Argyll and Bute has shown in the face of challenge is yet again beyond compare. To all of you, I say a genuine heartfelt thank you.

“This situation would have been far, far worse without your incredible efforts. We recognise there has been a very considerable impact on those who live in and visit our communities, and our businesses, who have been the backbone of Argyll and Bute’s economy, have shown real determination to do what needs to be done.”