Tarbert Soccer Centre asks parents to shape the future

Tarbert Soccer Centre has announced a plan to give parents the opportunity to shape the future of the group.

A consultation and engagement evening to collect ideas and suggestions was organised by committee members Lorna Hawthorn and Jenny Souden.

Ideas and feedback are now being collated and will be fed back to the centre’s committee and coaches at a separate meeting.

Then the new plans will be implemented.

“It is all about getting people engaged going forward,” said a spokesperson for the centre.

“It is their club.”

The invitation to the consultation and engagement evening read: “This is your opportunity to feed back on what you as a parent would like to see from the club.

“Please come along and tell us what you think. What works? What doesn’t work? What could we do better?

“Or would you like to be more involved in the club? What could you offer?”

Following the meeting, the spokesperson said: “It’s the very early development stage of looking at the club as a whole.

“How can we help and encourage our kids? Is it more training? Is it more development?

“We are looking at ways we can work better with other clubs. The members need to tell us what they want. That’s part of a healthy club.

“How they would like to see it being taken forward. So it is more about gathering people’s ideas and thoughts and what we could come up with.

“We had the (parents) session last week and we got lots of good ideas. These have been compiled and we will take that forward to the committee.

“It is for them to look at recommendations and see what we can realistically implement.

“We have kids who would train five nights a week, but that’s not realistic. Most nights during the week there is some kind of training session.

“It’s all volunteer coaches; people in the village.”

Tarbert Soccer Centre offers regular training sessions for boys and girls in primary and secondary school from Tarbert and the surrounding area.

The children take part in tournaments with neighbouring communities.