Farmer who lost 150 bales says floods ‘beyond belief’

An Inveraray farmer who saw about 150 of his silage bales get swept away by floods into the River Aray and Loch Fyne has described what happened as “beyond belief”.

A friend sent Brian Walker of Carloonan Farm a video that was circulated widely on social media of his bales floating underneath the Aray Bridge and into Loch Fyne.

“The bales have been stacked in that field as long as I have been here, and we have had pretty serious flooding before, but the water was nowhere near the stack,” said Brian.

“What we had on Saturday was beyond belief. None of the locals have ever seen anything like that … so powerful … the amount of water that came down.”

Brian said the bales will cost £35 to £40 each to replace.

“It is a knock to our business but it’s not going to put us out of business,” said the mixed beef and hill sheep tenant farmer.

“The cows won’t starve this winter.

“There are people more deserving of help. Farming is like this. You get good years and bad years.

“We take the knock and get on with it … it’s just an act of nature.”

His farm is located near Inveraray Castle.

The bales were swept into Loch Fyne by the strong current.