Peak migration season is underway

Bird Notes for September by Jim Cassels

The weather in September was a month of two halves. The first part was settled, warm and dry with temperatures, at times, warmer than any temperature in July and August. The second part was unsettled and wet. The September rainfall was higher than in either July or August and the rain nearly all fell in the second half of the month.

September is the start of the peak migration season when many birds are on the move after breeding. The weather was generally conducive for watching this migration.

In September summer visitors were leaving but some were still around including two whitethroat on Cleats Shore on 2nd, two willow warbler in Lamlash on 7th, two sand martin in Blackwaterfoot on 10th, 30 lesser black-backed gull in Lochranza on 15th, two swift over Whiting Bay on 24th and a chiffchaff on Kilbride Hill on 29th. For house martin, the largest September group was 20 at Invercloy on 9th and the latest one was two in Whiting Bay on 28th. For swallow, the largest group was 100 at Cordon on 3rd and the latest one was 40 in Silver Sands on 30th. October should see the last of the house martins, swallows and other summer visitors departing south.

Last month there were also reports of returning winter visitors including: 85 pink-footed geese over Sliddery on 21st, 100 greylag geese in the Shiskine Valley on 27th and also on 27th a mixed flock of around 50 redwing and fieldfare. October should see increasing numbers of these species and others including whooper swan and wigeon.

Species on migration were visible particularly round our coasts including: seven white-wagtail at Porta Buidhe on 1st, one black-tailed godwit on Cleats Shore on 2nd, nine dunlin on Silver Sands on 4th, three greenshank on Cleats Shore on 8th, one knot at Drumadoon Point on 9th, one sandwich tern off Kildonan on 12th, a great skua off Pladda also on 12th, five ring ouzel on North Newton on 15th, a male merlin on Cleats Shore on 22nd, two sanderling at Blackwaterfoot on 25th, an Arctic skua and a wheatear at Drumadoon Point also on 25th and four bar-tailed godwit on Torrylinn Shore on 30th.

At this time of year birds begin to flock together, often in preparation for migration. Reports included; o100 meadow pipit on Cleats Shore on 2nd, 60 manx shearwater in Brodick Bay on 7th, 250 starling at Blackwaterfoot on 9th, 100 skylark on Cleats Shore on 12th, 50 goldfinch at North Newton on 19th, 200 kittiwake in Catacol Bay on 20th, 100 linnet on Torrylinn Shore on 22nd, 30 turnstone at Blackwaterfoot on 25th, 100 chaffinch at Torbeg on 26th, 15 golden plover at Dougarie on 27th and 15 mistle thrush at Auchencar also on 27th.This gives an indication of the numbers of birds that are on the move at this time of year.

More than 100 species were recorded on Arran in September. Other interesting sightings this month included: six goosander off Pirnmill on 1st, three little grebe in Mossend Pond on 6th, two yellowhammer at Tormore on 9th, 100 gannet in Catacol Bay on 29th, an adult white-tailed eagle over Burrican Hill on 26th, a kingfisher at Glenashdalewaterfoot also on 26th, 100 woodpigeon in Torbeg on 28th, 10 teal in Carlo on 29th and 22 long-tailed tit in High Kildonan on 29th. In addition, there were almost 20 reports of the diminutive goldcrest including one in Cordon on 23rd. All three divers were also present in September including 11 black-throated diver off Cleiteadh Buidhe on 9th, five red-throated diver off Drumadoon Point on 10th and a great northern diver off Newton Point on 19th.

Finally, my thanks to all the volunteers who took part in the eider survey in September. There will be a brief report on this in the October Notes.

Enjoy your birding.

Please send any bird notes with “what, when, where” to me at Kilpatrick Kennels, Kilpatrick, Blackwaterfoot, KA27 8EY, or email me at  I look forward to hearing from you. For more information on birding on Arran purchase the Arran Bird Report 2022 and visit the arranbirding website


Swallows in the rain, one of the summer visitors leaving Arran in September. Photo Shona Redmayne NO_B41bird01_23_swallows_rain

Pink-footed geese, one of the winter visitors arriving on Arran in September. Photo Charlotte Clough NO_B41bird02_23_pink_goose

Knot, a northern breeder passing through heading to wintering grounds. Photo Frank Macpherson. NO_B41bird03_23_northern_breeder

Manx shearwater flocking together before heading into the Atlantic and over to the coast of South America. Photo John Harris NO_B41bird04_23_manx_shearwaters

Little grebe adult with fully grown young.  Photo Arthur Duncan NO_B41bird05_23_little_grebe

Goldcrest, there were around 20 reports of this diminutive bird in September and this one was photographed on Ian’s window sill. Photo Ian Struthers NO_B41bird06_23_gold_crest