Curtain up on new drama group’s high quality productions

The first production by a new drama group based in Tarbert, Whitehouse and Clachan will be an all-female performance of an adaptation of Whisky Galore on October 19, 20 and 21.

The Fyne Acting Company was formed in November 2022 by Sonia Walker, who taught the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art curriculum to students in England for 14 years.

Sonia’s vision of bringing high quality productions to the area was met with enthusiasm by Vivienne Dobbie, the director of the first production, who has been promoting drama in the area for years.

Vivienne and her daughter set up theatre workshops for children and she also wrote and directed four one-act plays which were performed at the Edinburgh Fringe using a local cast.

“Our aim is to produce the highest quality drama we can and we hope our first production of an-all female version of Whisky Galore will prove we are on our way to fulfilling that ambition,” said Vivienne.

After Sonia had run several workshops and play readings, the play was chosen for the first production. It involves an all-female cast of seven, following “lack of interest” in acting by the local male community.

The play is Philip Goulding’s adaptation of Whisky Galore, the famous Compton Mackenzie story. The adaptation plays tribute to groups of actors who, after World War II, toured the country in small vehicles, determined to keep theatre alive.

“Men were in short supply so women often took on roles of both genders, as does this cast,” said Vivienne.

More than 30 scene changes and 30 characters have not been an easy task for the new group but Vivienne said the result is a “vibrant romp, set against a colourful background provided by the wonderful local artist Karen Beauchamp”.

The production takes place at Whitehouse Village Hall on October 19, 20 and 21 at 7.30pm.

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