Ben visits Arran as Sacred Islands returns for a new series

A new series of Scotland’s Sacred Islands follows Ben Fogle making another epic journey across some of Britain’s most stunning islands, including Arran, Holy Isle, Islay and Jura, the Orkney Islands and Skye.

In the first episode, Ben takes the short but busy ferry trip across the Firth of Clyde to Arran. Ben wonders how the island’s proximity to Glasgow impacts on community and faith and will Arran still have a sacred island feel.

Disembarking in Brodick, Ben’s journey takes him to a tranquil southwest corner of the island with stunning views of the glittering sea.

He meets the Curries, a farming family which can trace its roots back nearly 200 years. He learns about family members’ strong spiritual connection to the land and how they see themselves not as owners, but custodians for generations to come.

Arran’s community was once extremely devout and Ben visits the Tin Church at Pirnmill which he decribes as a fascinating and atmospheric “sacred place”. Sadly, because of declining church attendance, it closed its doors in January this year after being in use for more than 100 years.

But as we become a more secular society, Ben discovers community spirit on Arran is still strong. He spends a morning with Fiona “many hats” Laing, an islander who volunteers for the coastguard, the fire service and as a first responder. In an emotional encounter, Ben learns how Fiona is regarded as a true hero of the island community.

The island may be more secular in the 21st century, but it’s a haven for diverse faiths.

Ben is taught how to make traditional Hallah bread by Barb and Sharon Taub, the island’s only practising Jews, and finds out about the scared practices of the Jewish Sabbath.

He then travels to Holy Isle, just off Arran’s east coast. Renowned as the home of a 6th century hermit monk and a site of Christian pilgrimage, today it’s home to a Buddhist Peace Centre. Here Ben has an extraordinary encounter with Buddhist Monk Karma Zangpo.

Returning to Arran, Ben hikes up to a stunning mountain loch lying 1,000 feet above sea level, before visiting a beautiful cliff top apothecary garden, where he learns about the ancient links between Celtic beliefs and traditional herbal remedies from Keith Robertson.

Before leaving, Ben is roped into performing a poem at the Arran Folk Festival open session on the terrace of the Douglas Hotel in June.

He concludes his journey realising that, despite its proximity to the mainland, he’s experienced an island with tremendous warmth and community spirit where diverse faiths thrive.

Produced by Tern, part of Zinc Media, Scotland’s Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle is a co-commission between BBC Scotland and BBC Unscripted and is produced in partnership with The Open University.

The first series, broadcast in 2021, featured Shetland and islands in the Inner and Outer Hebrides.

* Scotland’s Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle, episode one, will screen on Tuesday October 17, BBC Scotland, 8pm to 9pm and on Sunday October 22, BBC One 10.30am to 11.30am.


Ben on the lawn of The Douglas Hotel when he visited Arran. 01_B24ben01_23_sacred_islands

Ben reads a poem at Arran Folk Festival. 01_B24folk04_23_poem_terrace

Ben visits Arran for his first episode of Scotland’s Sacred Islands. Credit: Tern TV

Ben will be looking into elements of religion and faith on Scotland’s islands in his new series. Credit: Tern TV