Changing times

There is a lot happening in and around the Church of Scotland on Arran at the moment.

And we make no apology in devoting many column inches in the Banner to the changes which are coming thick and fast.

Any closure of a church on Arran, or anywhere else, must be met with sadness and a sense of loss knowing that these institutions have histories dating back 150 years and more.

The closure of Corrie this weekend will be followed by Lamlash and Kilmory in the coming weeks.

But falling congregations and dwindling resources within the Church of Scotland makes change inevitable.

There is now one unified congregation and one kirk session on Arran although the remaining churches will continue to hold their own services.

And there is some good news this week in Lamlash as it appears not all may be lost with the decision to close the church and hall.

Many organisations faced being left with nowhere to meet, given the lack of alternative facilities in the village outside the high school.

A group of residents have got together with the aim of saving and developing the buildings for the benefit of the local community. The vision is for a community hub, run by and for the community.

We wish them well with their endeavour and hope they can rely on the help and goodwill from the Church of Scotland as they pursue their goal.