Thought for the Week, October 13 2023

The search for significance

In 1967, Donald Campbell, while  attempting to break the world water speed record, lost control of his famous boat Bluebird at a speed of 315mph.

His last words over the radio: “I can’t see anything, I’ve got the bows out, I’m going,” were both tragic and iconic.

But what was it that drove him and his father Malcom to break 21 world speed records on land and on water?

In essence, it was a pursuit that drives us all; a thirst for significance. That same desire drives almost all ambition and achievement for good and for harm. That same thirst drives politicians to power, dictators to tyranny, entrepreneurs to production, parents to sacrifice and sportsmen to train harder.

But in a galaxy of billions of stars, any one of which would consume our whole planet, what is significance, especially if our brief and frail lives are just an undirected accident of chance? Is the drive for significance just a road to despair?

It would be if real significance was found within us. The bible, though, speaks of significance in a different way; significance not found by looking within, but by looking up.

The glory of a human being is not in achievement or possessions, but in a glorious Creator.

We are not insignificant accident or chance, we are design and even more; He has chosen us, out of all creation, to have the capacity to know Him.

This merciful God is ready to be found by those who seek Him. Do you know Him?

James 4v8 says: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…..humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you.”

That’s good news!

Reverend Mark Jasper, Campbeltown Community Church.