‘Not all heroes wear capes’

The driver of Saturday morning’s Oban to Glasgow bus has been praised by passengers after it got stuck in Inveraray due to landslips and flooding closing the roads.

Passenger Rosalyn Anne Bain on the Information Oban social media page said: “I just wanted to thank everyone for their help on Saturday, when the bus from Oban to Glasgow was stranded in Inveraray.

“Special thanks to Kevin our bus driver, who remained cheerful throughout and kept us updated. Also a thank you to Lochgilphead High School staff and volunteers, who welcomed us and fed us and took great care of us and organised any medication that was needed, and to the police officers who ensured we were all safe.

“Finally, again thanks to Kevin who chose to drive us home after a long and tiresome day. He must’ve been more exhausted than the passengers, yet drove us back at stupid o’clock when the road cleared. He honestly made an horrendous day so much better.”

A second passenger, Scotty Mcnicol, added on Sunday: “To the driver Kevin, who I’m sure works on behalf of West Coast Motors and Citylink. Can’t even explain the gratitude we have, let alone all the passengers must have for him, and would hate to think he goes unnoticed.

“From 7.45am in Oban till right through us getting back late last night, Oban to Inveraray, Inveraray to Lochgilphead, then back the way and home to Oban, this guy has not once kept us out of the picture when it came to constant updates, everyone’s welfare on children and elderly, plus shocking driving conditions he has had to overcome.

“Not all heroes wear capes but this lad deserves local recognition. Got us all back safe to our kids with nothing less than a positive attitude. If Oban had an icon to represent it, it’s Kevin.”

Norman Carmichael, who was on the bus, too, said: “Thank you Kevin for getting us safely home, you are a credit to your company.”

The driver himself, Kevin Kerr, replied: “Guys, I am really overwhelmed by the lovely comments. Can I just add that I am only a small cog in the big wheel. Other people were relaying me all the info, I was just passing it on to you wonderful guys.

“I suppose it’s a day we won’t all forget. At least we all got to sleep in our own beds. And a special thanks to the kids that did so well all day. Again thank you all from all the West Coast team, to which I am just a small part.”

“Thanks for the lovely words about our colleague Kevin,” added West Coast Motors. “Our team driving across Mid Argyll and Dunoon really did pull out the stops this weekend.”

Thanking locals for “great Highland hospitality”, Nicola Mcdonald said: “First and foremost Kevin and Inveraray locals for opening up the church hall and providing food and supplies and the district nurse for any medication needed, the Inveraray Inn for any help required, then onto Lochgilphead High School. Thanks. Hope lots of passengers managed to change flights and hospital appointments.”

Ada Daly concluded: “Well done to you all who have helped out during these last few days. We have some amazing heroes here.”