North Uist distillery joins the B Corp Certified community

North Uist Distillery has been awarded B Corp Certification from the nonprofit B Lab, joining the global community of B Corporations working towards the highest standards of ethical, sustainable, and transparent practices.

The award follows a rigorous and lengthy analysis of the business’s social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency by the non-profit B Lab, and is based on a vision of creating a community of for-profit companies committed to redefining success in business beyond solely profit.

North Uist Distillery hired a specific team member to focus on the assessment over the last year, taking stock of all areas of the business in the four categories that B Lab assessment encompasses – governance, workers, community and environment.

Leonie, North Uist Distillery’s dedicated B Corp Champion said: “How we govern our business is an important starting point and lays the groundwork for succeeding in the other areas, social and environmental performance is at the heart of our decision making. Among other things, the governance section of the impact assessment had us identify the impacts our business has and what we need to focus on, from greenhouse emissions to the social and environmental impacts of our supply chain. Certifying as a B Corporation is a great achievement but there’s always more to do for people and the planet, and we see this as a really good starting point to keep pushing forward.”

Distillery co-founder Jonny Ingledew continued: “It has been important to us from day one that North Uist Distillery is a force for good, and that we put people and the planet on an equal level of importance with profit. Not just people within the business, but in the wider community, locally and globally.

“As part of becoming B Corp certified we have taken a legal pledge to bring benefit not just to shareholders, but all stakeholders in the business – workers, customers, communities and the environment. Becoming B Corp certified is validation that we are walking the walk, as well as talking the talk!”

Kate McDonald, North Uist Distillery’s co-founder added: “We have always been on a mission to be the best employers that we can be and to have a positive impact on the community around us both environmentally and socially as we grow the business. Joining the global community of B Corporations striving for the same thing is a huge honour and as proud Hebrideans we are all delighted to add a Hebridean voice to the B Corp community.”