Race night is a winner

More than £2,000 so far has been raised in memory of two Oban men who both died suddenly and unexpectedly.

A race night at Soroba House and ticket money for raffles are keeping a running total, with a skydive still to come.

Friends Jayne Donn and Anita Goldie are organising the events and are bracing themselves for their daring jump from a plane on October 29.

Friends Jayne Donn and Anita Goldie are also raffling off a signed flag donated by Oban golfer Bob MacIntyre just back from Team Europe’s Ryder Cup victory.

Funds from all the events, which include raffling off a signed Scottish flag donated by Bob MacIntyre, will go to Carr Gomm Housing Support Service in thanks for the help given to Jayne’s son James MacMillan and Gary Goldie, the father of Anita’s children.

James was just 29 when he passed away. Gary was 48.

Both men had mental health issues and Jayne and Anita are hoping to raise more awareness  to help reduce the stigma attached to men’s mental health and addictions, and to prevent more deaths.

Jayne said: “It was an amazing turnout. It’s a running total, but I think between the horse sales before the night and cash Anita has from the night we’ve made more than £2,000 so far. We’d like to say a big thank you to the community for supporting us.”

You can also find their Gofundme page here:
