Final design details in the spotlight

Argyll and Bute Council has commissioned a specialist design team to prepare proposals for safer walking, cycling and wheeling between the Joint Campus, the town centre and Bishopton Road.

Following the first stage in May 2021 proposing three route options,  a second consultation in June-July 2021 led to a final route design.

The detailed designs of this final route are now available for commenting on – but the consultation ends on October 31.

The design details include the A83/Lorne Street junction; Lorne Street; Lorne Street/Argyll Street/Union Street junction; Union Street; Union Street/Campbell Street junction; Kilmory road and Whitegates crossing.

The drawings, which can be viewed at, include the details of everything from what the crossings will look like, where they will be, pavements and footpaths, landscaping, where cycle signs will be placed, restrictions on parking, disabled parking bays, footway improvements, surface treatments, areas where there are shared paths and more.

The new designs for the junction at Lorne Street/ Argyll Street and Union Street. Image: Icecream Architecture

“We are now in the third phase of this project and are interested in restarting the momentum and making sure that community engagement and decision-making is prioritised in the remaining phases of this project,” said a spokesperson for Icecream Architecture, the lead for community engagement, and part of the design team which is working in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council.

“We are trying to gather as many responses as possible before October 31 so we can refine the designs based on community feedback.

“We would greatly appreciate it if you could:

  • View the designs, leave a comment underneath based on your thoughts
    Complete the travel survey on the website (this helps us understand how the route is used)
  • Share the website link with your neighbours, families, colleagues and friends