Vital work nearing completion at Brodick Castle

Landmark emerges from its scaffolding shroud

By Hugh Boag

Major conservation work at Brodick Castle is nearing completion.

The Brodick landmark has been surrounded in scaffolding since March to allow essential repairs costing more than £1.5m to be carried out to protect the historic building, most of which was built in the 19th century, although parts date back to the 14th century.

The skilled and specialist restoration work included roofing repairs, overhauling windows, stonework repairs and re-pointing and improvements to leadwork, guttering and drainage.

Much of the work has been carried out after the castle fully re-opened for the season in May.

However, after just seven months of work, originally scheduled for nine months, the scaffolding is coming down with most of the grand facade now visible again.

Only a small section remains at the front beside the battery of the castle, which is the oldest section, where work is still going on. The scaffolding at the back of the castle will remain until the end of the year.

Sally Gandon, the National Trust for Scotland’s operations manager for Brodick Castle, said: “The majority of the scaffolding at Brodick Castle is now down and the marvellous front elevation of the castle is now almost fully revealed and visible again. The work over the summer progressed well and all that remains is to complete the intricate leadwork on certain isolated areas of roof, which is due to happen over the coming weeks.

“Sharp-eyed visitors may also notice there is still some pointing work to be done on the battery area of the castle. That’s part of a plan to do additional research into the history of this part of the building, following work by the NTS archaeology team this summer. Through this research, we’re looking forward to extending our knowledge and sharing more stories about Brodick’s fascinating past with our visitors and the community.

“We’re very grateful for the support of our charity’s members and donors, including Historic Environment Scotland’s annual repair grant, which has made the conservation work at Brodick Castle possible. This work supports the NTS’s conservation objectives to improve and stabilise the condition of our heritage buildings and estate to deliver our vision to provide access to nature, beauty and heritage for everyone.

“There are still a few weeks to visit the castle before we close for the winter at the end of October. Our beautiful country park will be open through the winter.”

The front of the castle can be seen it all its glory again. 01_B41castle01_23_scaffolding_down

The scaffolding at the back of the castle will remain until the end of the year. 01_B41castle02_23_back_work

The small section of scaffolding which remains at the battery. 01_B41castle03_23_battery_work