Arran Banner Letters – week 42, 2023

Postmasters’ response


Last week the Arran Banner published a front-page article about Brodick’s Post Office.

As sub-postmasters for the village, we were shocked and disappointed not to have been given notice or asked for comment on an article which released sensitive information about our business and failed to discuss the processes in place to protect provision of Post Office services for Brodick.

Since 2019, we have enjoyed welcoming customers to our Post Office counter in the Book and Card in Brodick. However, we have found the commission-based delivery model unsustainable in a community of our size. As the gap between operating costs and renumeration continues to widen, we cannot keep subsiding delivery of this public service and are not prepared to further reduce our counter operating hours.

Therefore, a few weeks ago we gave notice of our intention to resign as sub-postmasters.

The Arran Banner reported the branch would close on March 29 2024, but we have given notice from March 1, with the exact closure date to be confirmed depending on alternative service provision and auditing process timelines.

We hoped to deliver this difficult news in partnership with Post Office Ltd with plans for alternative provision for Brodick in place or at an advanced stage – especially given news about the Bank of Scotland.

We were therefore disappointed that the Post Office Ltd’s press office released this information to the Arran Banner without our consent or knowledge and even more so that the Arran Banner published this news without giving us an opportunity to comment.

The Post Office Ltd is required by law to review options for a replacement service so it is our hope provision will continue in Brodick in another format. If you have questions or concerns about Post Office services in Brodick, these can be sent to the Post Office Ltd or Patricia Gibson MP.

There are many community Post Office counters located in fantastic local businesses around the island and we encourage you to support and use these services to ensure their continued provision.

We genuinely wished for a different outcome but as a small, family business we simply cannot continue subsidising this public service and we hope another solution can be found so it can be saved for our village and community.

Thank you for your understanding.


Thomas Fleming and Claire Johnston,

Brodick sub-postmasters.

Editor’s note: The Arran Banner stands by its decision to publish a true and accurate account last week that Brodick Post Office is closing.

Foot passengers first


Two weeks ago I travelled on the 1.40pm sailing to Ardrossan from Brodick. The boat was loaded to capacity.

Our arrival at Ardrossan was late. There was a high tide, no gangway was to be used. Therefore foot passengers were told to remain onboard until all cars were off.

By the time we reached the platform for the train it was long gone. One passenger said he had suffered in this way several times.

Next train was at 6pm. We all discussed the way of it and concluded that if some cars were allowed off first, foot passengers should then be able to safety walk off via the car deck.

Sunday’s debacle had a serious outcome for many foot passengers.


Anne Hodge,

Whiting Bay.

Double the love


Today, more than 46,000 children are sitting in classrooms across Liberia with full stomachs, eager to learn how to read and write, thanks to your readers’ heartwarming response to our previous match funding campaign supported by the UK Government.

Mary’s Meals serves nutritious food in school to some of the world’s hungriest children, attracting them to the classroom, where they can gain an education and be given the chance to dream of a brighter future.

Mary’s Meals has been able to make a life-changing difference to little ones across Liberia thanks to donations to our 2020/2021 Double The Love campaign – which were matched by the UK government, up to £2million.

Hawa, nine, attends Dendewea Public School, one of 215 schools receiving Mary’s Meals because of the incredible generosity of our fantastic supporters and the UK government.

The promise of a daily meal motivates Hawa to go to school and provides her with hope. She said: “The impact Mary’s Meals has had on my education is that it makes me studious, happy to learn and it makes me strong to work and study.

“The food Mary’s Meals serves here has made me have hope for the future. If I did not receive the food, I would experience hunger in school.”

We wish to say how grateful we are to everyone who donated to the Double The Love campaign. Your kindness is helping us provide lasting change for those who need it most.

You can find out more about our work by visiting


Gary Armstrong,

Mary’s Meals.