Rolling strikes to disrupt schools in coming weeks

By Colin Smeeton

Schools on Arran can expect further disruption in the coming weeks after Unison, Scotland’s largest local government union, announced a rolling programme of strike action in schools across the country.

The announcement comes after Unison members voted overwhelmingly to reject a pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), with nine in 10 workers – 89.92 per cent – voting against the offer in a ballot.

The strike dates, which are yet to be announced, will affect primary and secondary schools and early year establishments in 24 local authority areas, including North Ayrshire.

Unison’s Scottish secretary Lilian Macer said: “No-one takes industrial action lightly. It’s a very difficult decision for anyone, but as much as this is about pay, it’s also about standing up for local services.

“The school staff taking part in strike action support children in school every day of the year and many are parents with school-age children too.

“Workers are taking action because they want children to be educated in well-resourced, well-staffed schools. They want to start trying to reverse years of cuts and under-investment in the workforce and services.

“No-one wants to cause disruption for pupils and parents, but school staff have been left with no other option. The blame must be laid squarely at the door of COSLA and Scottish ministers. They have it within their gift to end the strike, but they are showing no sign of wanting to do so. That’s a terrible shame for everyone affected.”

Chairman of Unison Scotland’s local government committee Mark Ferguson added: “I’m a parent myself, so I understand the disruption these strikes cause. But if wages don’t rise, school staff will leave for other jobs beyond education that pay significantly more an hour. That would be a disaster and would help no-one.”

“COSLA and the Scottish government need to give school staff a decent pay rise, fund any increase properly and commit to implementing pay of £15 per hour for all local government workers.”

Meanwhile, GMB Scotland, another council union, has balloted its members and have accepted the pay offer.

Keir Greenaway, GMB Scotland senior organiser in public services, said: “That it took the threat of strike action for COSLA to make an offer which could and should have been on the table months ago is frustrating and regrettable.

“Pay negotiations do not have to be like this. Instead of getting a fair pay offer and the money in their banks, our members have been asked to endure months of inaction, needless delay and all the melodrama of deadlines and last-minute offers.

“The Scottish government and COSLA need to sit down with the unions to find a better way of negotiating and ensuring these discussions are done with a sense of urgency and fairness that has been absolutely lacking in recent months.”


Primary and secondary school support staff picket outside Arran High School last month. 01_B42strike01_23_Lamlash