SCDI meets in Inveraray to discuss Argyll economy

This month’s second high-powered meeting in Inveraray to discuss the economic growth of Argyll and Bute will be held on October 24.

The panel discussion called Unlocking Social and Economic Growth in Argyll and Bute is invitation only and is being held by The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI).

SCDI is the influential independent membership network representing private, public and social economy sectors which “seeks to engage Scotland to influence Government and key stakeholders to ensure a prosperous economy that works for people and planet”.

The SCDI event – at the Inveraray Inn – follows the meeting of the Scottish Government’s travelling cabinet in Inveraray on October 2, when questions about the local economy dominated the day.

Topics to be discussed at the SCDI event include transport, housing, “land  and Marine development and how it can support economic growth” and “energy and digital Connectivity”.

This SCDI said the event brings its members and guests “to share thinking about how to unlock the full social and economic growth potential for Argyll and Bute by discussing regional challenges and opportunities.”

It said attendees will hear from a panel of speakers and have the chance to contribute to the discussion.

“This will help us to work with our members to shape action which can be reflected [in] our regional and national policy work,” said SCDI

The event will be opened by Grant Campbell, SCDI regional manager for Highlands and Islands, with the first panel discussion chaired by SCDI CEO Sara Thiam.

Closing remarks will be made by Fiona Larg, SCDI Highlands and Islands regional chair.

The Inveraray event will be one of the last acts by SCDI before it announces its new brand and new name on October 27.

A spokesperson for the SCDI could not provide any more details about the event, except to say it was about “people coming together to talk about the issues in the area and what the potential is for the area”.