Man fined over argument with mother

A fallout with his mother over the sale of a mobility scooter landed a man in Oban Sheriff Court last week.

Timothy Gregory, 44, pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening manner by shouting and swearing at his mother on September 5.

The incident took place at the address he shared with the 70-year-old woman in Oban.

The court heard on Wednesday October 18 that tensions had been running high between the two. Gregory has since acquired a room at Solas homeless accommodation in the town.

Fiscal Rebecca Reid said: “The accused became annoyed with his mother over her decision to give away a mobility scooter that had belonged to her late husband.

“He began to shout and swear. This caused the witness to contact her neighbour and in turn police were contacted.”

Solicitor Jane MacNiven said tensions were running high and that Gregory had acted out of frustration at her decision to give away an item which he believed could earn her between £600-£700.

She added: “He was swearing at the situation in general. Behind it all was Mr Gregory wanting to help his mum. He didn’t want her to give away a valuable asset.”

The accused, who was deeply ashamed of his actions, was fined £260.