Adverse weather stops ferry repairs

Bad weather has put a stop on spare parts reaching the broken down MV Loch Frisa.

Since a bolt sheared on Thursday leaving the vessel with just one engine, the ferry has been stuck at Craignish unable to move, resulting in all sailings on the Oban-Mull route being cancelled.

An update on CalMac’s website on Friday read: “Spare parts that are required for MV Loch Frisa have arrived in Oban, however due to adverse weather we are unable to transit them across. As soon as a weather window allows, we will do so.”

As a result sailings on this route stayed cancelled with the promise of an update.

“Disrupting a sailing is a decision we do not take lightly because we know it will inconvenience our customers and the communities we serve. We apologise for any inconvenience caused,” said a CalMac spokesperson.

An adverse weather forecast, also cancelled all sailings on the Oban to Colonsay to Port Askaig then Kennacraig route on October 20. Oban-Coll-Tiree was also suspended due to strong winds and sea swell conditions.