Saddell Castle restoration works approved

Plans for restoration work at a historic four-storey castle in Kintyre have been given the go-ahead by council chiefs.

The owners, conservation and holiday let charity The Landmark Trust, has sought listed building consent for repair work at Saddell Castle.

The commercial building is in a state of disrepair, and proposed work includes new drainage, electrical works, new windows and replacement rooflights.

Argyll and Bute Council planning officers granted the application after no concerns were expressed by the public.

A planning officer said: “Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has been consulted with regard to this listed building application and has not raised any concerns or objection to the proposal.

“With respect to the existing building fabric and its listed status, it is acknowledged from the design and access statement that thorough investigation and a degree of care has been taken to ensure the proposed works are sympathetic to the character and appearance of the castle’s building fabric.

“This approach is considered reasonable to preserve the original features which are to be retained and/or improved upon where necessary; thereby extending the lifespan of the well-established historic asset as well as continued economic benefit through its business use.

“As a result, the development would be a positive enhancement and preservation of the castle which takes into account its sensitivity; and the need for maintaining an energy efficient historic structure.”

The officer added: “Furthermore, the proposed change in basement floor material from concrete to limecrete would ensure any future flood or surface water in the basement subsides and dries out timely due to its porosity.

“Further, HES consultation relative to the proposed change of materials to the basement received no objection or comment. However, as per the relevant policy guidance, the proposed change is deemed acceptable.

“Overall, it is considered that the proposal, subject to conditions, would preserve the special interest of the listed building and therefore withholding consent would not be justified.”