Enterprising plan for Kilmelford and Kilninver

A steering group is driving forward plans to set up a community enterprise company for Kilmelford and Kilninver.

The group says it is one of the last Argyll areas to establish such a venture and wants to make sure the community does not miss out of any opportunities that could come its way.

Preserving a field next to Kilmelford Village Hall for community use rather than a site for five new houses is one possible project for the future, with a view to using it for a skate park or possibly in the future to build a new school on it, in the heart of the community.

Another possibility is a community buy-out of the Cuilfail Hotel, which is currently up for sale.

“As a community company we could look in to the possibility of buying it.  No one would want to see it close and us lose the local pub,” said Liz MacKay, who is on the steering group.

To make a start on building up much-needed funds for the likes of feasibility studies and producing business plans, the Loch Melfort Community Company steering group is running its first fundraising event – a tabletop sale in the village hall on Sunday October 29 from noon until 4pm. Admission is £1, children can get in for free.

Surveys had been sent out, ‘fantastic’ responses received, and a public meeting held to make sure communities that would come under the new enterprise would be invested in it and give support.

The surveys also wanted to find out how people feel about their area and asked what would they like to see or have available on their doorstep.

The idea is that a community company would work alongside the community council and Kilmelford Village Hall Association to benefit everyone living and working in the area.

“There wouldn’t be any competition between us for funding. We would  be working with them and hoping that we all support each other for everyone’s benefit,” said Liz.

And she added: “We know how much Kilmelford and Kilninver supports community events, so we are hoping for a good turnout on October 29. We’ve a long way to go but it’s a starting point.

“We need to do something to make sure that we are not stuck in our own wee bubble. There are opportunities out there that we could take for our community and work to our advantage, from sourcing cleaner power to buying out the hotel, or even building a new school in the hub of Kilmelford.”