Divers join Oban RNLI fundraisers

Nine students from a diving club have joined Oban lifeboat’s fundraising team.

The group were motivated to sign up after a water safety talk by Oban Coxswain Ally Cerexhe and a presentation by fundraiser Iain Paul at an event hosted by the Highland & Islands Sub Aqua Club, the student diving club based at Dunstaffnage’s Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Merlin Farrell presenting Oban RNLI Treasurer Lachie
SL-T43-RNLIfundaisers-2023-SAMS02Beaton with the proceeds from a bake sale organised by the Sub Aqua Club at SAMS.
Photograph: Stephen Lawson/RNLI

The new members were welcomed to the monthly fundraisers’ meeting at Oban lifeboat station.

Mr Paul said: “We are delighted to be joined by so many new members as we prepare for a busy programme of fundraising events in the coming months and well into next year.

“With a new lifeboat arriving in December and 2024 being the 200th anniversary of the RNLI, we look forward to celebrating with the local, coastal, island and maritime communities our lifeboat serves.”

The students marked the occasion by handing over a cheque from a bake sale organised by the diving club.

If you are interested in joining the fundraising and community outreach team for Oban RNLI, send an email to fundraising@obanlifeboat.co.uk to get more information.



Caption: L-R Standing: RNLI team members Frances Beveridge, Harry McMaster, Iain Paul, Fiona Campbell, Clare Bailey, Mike Palmer and Lachie Beaton. New recruits L-R Sitting: Chloe Ghibaudo, Isadora Jalil, Kate Crowley, Jamie Nethaniel, Merlin Farrell and Aiden Davie. Photograph: Stephen Lawson/RNLI