Lily is first to receive Sona Campbell Award

Argyll Clarsach Society unveiled its new bursary, the Sona Campbell Award, at the Ceòl Earra-Ghàidheil tune book re-launch earlier this month at The Gather in Tarbert.

The Sona Campbell Award will be given annually to a clarsach pupil showing exceptional resilience, dedication, and promise.

Sona Campbell was for many years secretary of the Argyll Clarsach Society, keeping the society going through difficult times, a long serving supporter of clarsach music in Argyll.

Sona passed away in November 2022 leaving this award, which went in its inaugural year to Lily du Plessi, from Ormsary. The award will support Lily’s learning for a year of music tuition.

Lily’s mum Amba Tyson wrote a letter to Fèis an Tairbeirt, where her daughter has been tutored face-to-face once a month on the clarsach for the last 18 months, in which she thanked all who support the group for their commitment to provide accessibility to Gaelic and traditional arts and music to young people throughout Mid Argyll and North Kintyre.


Lily Du Plessi from Ormsary receiving the Sona Campbell Award. NO_A42FeisanTairbeirt01_23_Lily