Fireworks display dates approach

Tarbert’s fireworks display will be taking place this year on Friday November 3 as will the fireworks display in Kilmartin Glen.

Kilmartin Community Initiative is running the display on Kilmartin Green from 7pm and donations towards the costs can be made on the night.

In Tarbert there will be a chance to see the display light up the harbour from the middle floor of the Templar Arts and Leisure Centre, which is opening its doors from 6.30pm so the display can be viewed from the comfort of a warm space and with tea, coffee and hot chocolate on offer.

Donations to raise money for a new floor in the centre will be welcomed.

The Mid Argyll Rotary Club-run Lochgilphead bonfire and display will be on Saturday November 4, across from the front green.

Work was already underway earlier this week in building the bonfire structure, with help from members of the Rotary Club of Mid Argyll as well as donated pallets from Midton, Colin Brolly Forestry, Macleod Construction and Harbro Country Stores.