Post Office pledge consultation on future postal provision

By Hugh Boag

Post Office bosses have vowed to consult with the community over future provision of a postal service in Brodick.

As revealed by the Banner earlier this month, the current Brodick Post Office at the Book and Card Centre will close next March after the sub-postmasters resigned.

In a letter in last week’s Banner, they explained that as a small, family businesses they were unable to continue to subsidise this public service.

But this week Patricia Gibson, SNP MP for North Ayrshire and Arran, expressed deep concern at the proposed closure, particularly after the announcement of the closure of the nearby Bank of Scotland last month.

Mrs Gibson said: “In common with Arran residents, I am deeply disappointed to hear of the proposed closure of Brodick Post Office in March next year.

“Sadly, it has become increasingly difficult for postmasters and sub-postmasters to keep these businesses afloat.

“The loss of Brodick Post Office is a terrible blow, coming hard on the heels of the proposed closure of the Bank of Scotland.

“I met Mark Gibson, external relations officer, Post Office Ltd, last Monday, to discuss this and will be working with him to try and secure the continuation of post office services in Brodick. I will also raise this at Westminster.

“I have long been speaking up for postmasters and the huge difficulties they face, as they try to deliver a service to the public for far too little reward.

“It is disappointing that post offices and banks remain under UK Government control and ministers are making no effort to ensure banks and post offices continue to serve our fragile and rural island communities. Indeed, the UK Government has said ‘the closure of bank branches is a commercial decision entirely for banks themselves’.

“I will continue to do all I can to ensure post office services remain in Brodick.”

A Post Office spokesperson said: “We have recently been informed of the postmaster’s request to stop operating Brodick Post Office. We want to thank the postmaster for providing Post Office services for a number of years. A consultation process will begin on Post Office provision in the area once an alternative proposal has been identified and members of the community will have an opportunity to share their feedback on our proposal.”


MP Patricia Gibson has said she will do everything she can to retain a postal service in Brodick. No_B43POclousure01_23_Patricia_Gibson