SWI ladies enjoy fashionable talk

While the title of Julia Bovee’s talk for the Shiskine SWI was simply “Fashion”, the presentation covered a far wider subject which kept the audience at the October meeting enthralled.

Listeners enjoyed hearing about a subject they are all interested in which also featured information and slides about costumes Julia had made during her time on the opera circuit.

Members described Julia as a talented and interesting lady and her talk elicited many questions and much interest from the audience.

Following the talk, the October competition winners were announced. The subject was anything with a main ingredient of brambles and the winners were: 1 Elma Judge; 2 Elizabeth Kelso; 3 Esther Henderson.

The exhibition was of favourite earrings and the winners were: 1 Elizabeth Kelso; 2 Joan Stewart; 3 Jenni Turnbull.

The November meeting of Shiskine SWI will take place on Wednesday November 1 when author Colin Turbett will give a talk entitled “War Tales”. The competition for November is soup and the exhibition is of black and white photographs.

Everyone welcome.


Julia Bovee entertained the Women’s Institute members with an interesting and entertaining talk on fashion. 01_B43SSWI01_23_Julia_Bovee