Council pays Real Living Wage six months early

North Ayrshire Council has again pledged to pay its staff the Real Living Wage – and it will up salaries six months earlier than required.

The rate for 2024 is overseen by the Living Wage Commission and was announced on Tuesday October 24 as £12. This is an increase of £1.10 and employers have until April next year to implement this.

The council has been a Real Living Wage employer since 2011 and continues to champion the Real Living Wage cause so that staff feel they are valued and their well-being is important.

Around 3,000 businesses are already Real Living Wage accredited in Scotland and, as a result of this commitment, more than 60,000 workers across the country will receive a pay rise.

In North Ayrshire, more than 50 employers pay the Real Living Wage including on Arrran – Arran Dairies, The Douglas Hotel, The Shore, Arran CVS, Arran Active, CalMac, A & C Cameron, Auchrannie, the Glenisle Hotel and the Kinloch Hotel.

The hourly pay rate is independently calculated by the Resolution Foundation – based on what people in the UK need to earn to afford a decent standard of living – and is paid voluntarily by employers.

The price of childcare, transport, heating and housing are taken into account when the rate is set.

Council leader Marie Burns is chairperson of the tackling child poverty and cost of living board, which works with community partner organisations and residents to find ways to make life easier for people.

She said: “As a local authority, our employees’ wellbeing and standard of living are paramount to us. Many people continue to face challenging times during the cost-of-living crisis and paying this increased rate can help make a big difference.

“It is important we start paying the rate as soon as we can. Paying this new 2024 rate of £12 straight away is crucial to ensuring staff earn a wage they can actually live on and have a decent standard of life.”

The announcement will see around 788 council employees in predominantly frontline roles receive a Real Living Wage increase. Further information about the Real Living Wage can be found at



Council leader Marie Burns believes the Real Living Wage increase will help people during the cost-of-living crisis. No_B43Livingwage01_23_leader_Marie_Burns