Transition day a slam dunk for primary school pupils

More than 140 pupils from nine local primary schools attended this year’s P7 basketball festival held at Lochaber High School.

Teams and coaches from the afternoon sessions. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

The event was organised by physical education (PE) and Active Schools staff with high school pupils helping to run the day.

For many P7s, this was their first visit to the high school. They were split into teams on arrival, giving them a chance to meet, mix and work with P7s from other schools in preparation for next year’s transition up into first year.

Pupils from the morning session with Active Schools representatives and high school staff and pupils.

Because of the large numbers involved, the festival was split into two sessions, morning and afternoon. Each team was managed on the day by a senior pupil, having prepared for the role as part of the sports leadership course run by PE teacher Mr Watson.

The team managers looked after their players, giving support, advice and feedback.

Some of the leadership group took on the extra responsibility of refereeing the games with thanks going to Max Walker, Josh Dykes and Josh Seymour.

With matches taking place on three courts simultaneously, each team played six others in a round robin format. Points were awarded for wins and draws then added up to give the final results.

In the morning session, one team won all their games to win top place medals.

The winning morning team.

Well done to Grace MacMaster, Lundavra; Kaye Halewood, Banavie; Xavier Alvarex-Landesa and Robin Anderson, Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar; and Sienna MaCallum and Rhiannon Cooper, Invergarry, managed by S6 pupil Martha Nobel.

The winning team and coach from the afternoon session. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

In the afternoon, an unbeaten run was achieved by the team of Ellie O’Donnell, Jai McDonald and Chase Watson, Caol; Lana Sriprom, Inverlochy; and Lexi Johnstone, Spean Bridge, under the guidance of team coach for the day Archie MacNiven.

Active Schools co-ordinator Bridget Thomas commented: “It’s great to see so many primary and secondary pupils enjoying themselves, taking part in sport and working together. The high school pupils were instrumental in the success of this festival and many others throughout the year.

“Thanks also go to Lochaber High School PE department for the use of the hall and its on-going support.”

Action under the basket.. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Featured image: Defensive action required to stop an attacking player from scoring. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, NO_PrimariesBasketball_23_AfternoonAction 04